Session 9

REC A1.02New Dynamics of Transnational Activism in Southeast Asia ❶Eva HanssonMarco BünteMeredith L. Weiss
REC A1.03SE Asia Museums: Exploring Stories ❶Monica Janowski
REC A1.04Laboratory
Are there ‘Witches’ in Southeast Asia? ❶
Benjamin BaumannErick White
REC A2.04Revisiting Southeast Asian Women’s Views and Representations: A Critical Look at Historical and Literary Media and WritingsMa Rita Lourdes Alfaro
REC A2.05The weight of the past? Corruption through the histories of plantation and election in (post)colonial IndonesiaSusan LegêneUji Nugroho Winardi
REC A2.06Islamic Reform, Salafism, and the Salafization of state and society in Southeast Asia ❶Zoltan Pall
REC A2.08Laboratory
Critical Perspectives on Movement, Migration, and Mobilities in Southeast Asian Literatures ❶
Angelia Poon
REC A2.09Understanding Pathways to Agroecological Change in Southeast Asia: Exploring Adaptive Spaces ❶Gerben NooteboomJean-Christophe CastellaJohn F McCarthy
REC A2.10Round Table
The Good Life in Late Socialist Asia: Aspirations, Politics, and Possibilities
Minh NguyenPhill Wilcox
REC A2.11Fabrics of an Archipelago: Stories, Creation, and History ❶Mary-Louise Totton
REC A2.12Globalization & Knowledge Economy: Assessing Issues on Learning & Education in Post-Pandemic South(East) AsiaAdiasri Putri Purbantina
REC A2.13Higher education for the revolution: Education as a space for resistance in post-coup MyanmarMarie Lall
REC A2.14Internationalist Southeast Asias: Coordinating Cross-Border Struggles amid Inter-Imperial Antagonisms ❶Geoffrey Rathgeb AungThiti Jamkajornkeiat
REC A2.15Politics-Business Collusion in Indonesia and beyond ❶Ward BerenschotYogi Setya Permana
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