New Dynamics of Transnational Activism in Southeast Asia


Double Panel

Part 1

Session 9
Thu 09:00-10:30 REC A1.02

Part 2

Session 10
Thu 11:00-12:30 REC A1.02


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The recent decade in particular has seen a surge in transnational activism in and directed toward Southeast Asia, with significant impact. Activists in exile, singly or in groups, have lobbied for far-reaching changes at home, as well as for international intervention in their home states; human rights organizations have reached out to external and internal partners; religious groups or clergy overseas have shared ideas and support with co-religionists in the region; online communities have formed or fortified across nations, offering solidarity and resources; and more. States, too, have shared strategies for suppressing activism and shored up each other’s efforts. This panel seeks to explore the dynamics of present-day transnational activism, elaborate on activists’ adaptations and states’ reactions, and consider the chances for new forms of activism, from “right-wing” religious networks to progressive initiatives such as the Milk Tea Alliance, to achieve their advocacy goals.