Amsterdam excursion 26 July

Registration limit of 40 people

The schedule for the excursion on the 26th consists of the following two parts:

26 July
11.00-12.50: Traces of Indonesia in Amsterdam Walking Tour:

The public space of Amsterdam has traces of its connection to Indonesia. As a young Indonesian-Dutch city planner, Rizky Kalebos takes you on a journey through the city center and how Indonesia was shaped by the city and how the country shaped Amsterdam. As part of the storytelling food will be offered.

12.50-14.00: private boat tour on the Amsterdam canals with drinks and snacks
14.00: end of EuroSEAS trip

It might change slightly, but the trip will end no later than 14.00. The fee for this trip will be around 52-70euros depending on the number of registrations.

You can come to the helpdesk in A-hall if you wish to join the excursion to make the payment. Please keep in mind that there is a registration limit of 40 people!