Session 5

REC A0.01Working, worshipping, studying, and escaping: Mixed migration and mobilities to, within and from Southeast Asia ❶Antje MissbachMirjam Lücking
REC A1.02Climate Change Politics in Southeast Asia ❶Dirk TomsaSebastian Dettman
REC A1.03The Heart of Borneo: Present and Future, Challenges and Prospects ❶Merry K. Sipahutar
REC A2.04Postwar Violence, Cultural Diplomacy and Decolonization in Regional Southeast Asia: A RevisitAgus SuwignyoSimone Gigliotti
REC A2.05Contemporary Urban Muslim Expressions in Southeast Asia: Identity, Discourse, and Socio-Religious StrugglesFatimah HuseinYanwar Pribadi
REC A2.06Ethics, Affect and Moral Judgement amidst Momentous Change in Laos ❶Paul-David LutzRosalie Stolz
REC A2.07Laboratory
Digital technology and gender dynamics in the workplace in Southeast Asia ❶
Monika Arnez
REC A2.08Mangkunegaran and Sustainable Social Transformation ❶Arndt GrafTatas Brotosudarmo
REC A2.09Democratization of Communication and Communication for Democratization: Breakthroughs and Challenges in Thailand and Myanmar ❶Chosein YamahataTerapatt Vannaruemol
REC A2.10“Lost and Hidden Manuscripts”: A Reassessment of Condemned Islamic Texts in the Early Modern Malay World ❶Zacky Umam
REC A2.11The heritage and development nexus in Southeast Asia: convergences, tensions and openings ❶Câm HoangPeter Larsen
REC A2.12The Indonesian Digital Landscape Related to Crimes and Digital Transgressions
REC A2.13Indonesian Migrants & Migration in Indonesia ❶Alexander LochRetno Widyastuti
REC A2.15Political Change and Institutional Resilience? Lessons from Southeast AsiaAbdillah Noh
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