Working, worshipping, studying, and escaping: Mixed migration and mobilities to, within and from Southeast Asia


Double Panel

Part 1

Session 5
Wed 09:00-10:30 REC A0.01

Part 2

Session 6
Wed 11:00-12:30 REC A0.01



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Migration continues to be a crucial part of people’s social realities in Southeast Asia. Whether for marital, educational, religious or economic aspirations or due to forced displacement (e.g. war or human trafficking) many Southeast Asians remain highly mobile within and beyond the region, often using similar pathways and migration infrastructures (“mixed migration”).

Depending on the temporal aspects that underlie people’s mobility and the legal conditions that shape their mobility, several forms and experiences of mobility defy simplistic categorizations and cut across established migration categories. For example, labour migrants can become refugees sur place in times of conflict, pilgrims and marriage migrants can take up work or study. During those transitions migrants often face regulatory pitfalls and other short-comings as states fail to accommodate migrants’ needs for protection and/or labour, health and educational, security, and welfare rights.

This panel explores different types of migration and mobilities with a focus on discussing specific intersections in “mixed migration” (e.g. religion and work, education and tourism, displacement and marriage). We are interested in exploring how such intersections play out in everyday lives and what that means for state policies governing migrants. More specifically, we aim to deliberate on the necessity, usefulness and limitations of the existing narrow and exclusive categorisations of migrants. For this panel, we invite – first and foremost – ethnographically grounded papers.