Indonesian Migrants & Migration in Indonesia


Double Panel

Part 1

Session 5
Wed 09:00-10:30 REC A2.13

Part 2

Session 6
Wed 11:00-12:30 REC A2.13


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Increasing mobility and migration are megatrends that also have social and economic impacts on Indonesia: Approximately 4.382.000 Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) or Indonesian Migrant Workers (IMWs) are recorded in the Indonesian Overseas Workers Protection Board (BP2MI, 2021); six years ago, the Worldbank (2017) estimated that up to nine million IMWs were working in 150 countries. At the same time, safe orderly and regular migration to Indonesia and mobility within the ASEAN region is on the rise (ASEAN Secretariat, 2022) and transmigration phenomena have long been a concern of Asian, developmental and migration studies (Bastia & Skeldon, 2020; Antweiler, 2005).

Transnational labour migration from Indonesia has been promoted, encouraged, and institutionalized by the state since the 1980s as a pathway to rural and national economic development. Most Indonesian migrants in work low-skilled jobs in Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, and East Asian countries. However, in the last decade, there has been a shift in the working destination countries, from the Gulf areas to Asia, such as Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, due to a better assurance of legal certainty and migrant workers’ protection. Furthermore Australia and, more recently, Germany have been trying to attract Indonesian skilled workers (such as health care professionals) to compensate their shortage of skilled workers due to demographic change.