From Contested to Hybrid Space: Transnationality, Everyday Sovereignty, and Global Order


Double Panel

Part 1

Session 7
Wed 14:00-15:30 REC A2.09

Part 2

Session 8
Wed 16:00-17:30 REC A2.09



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This panel aims to identify and locate a new foundation of understanding “everyday” practice of International Relations despite of the benevolent belief and expectation of the liberal order of Second World War Global Governance. A vibrant academic “habitus” such as European Association for Southeast Asia Studies would be a perfect space to engage a conversation of identifying and locating the gap of understanding the “Western” idea of “sovereignty” of which embedded in the concept of nation-state as the mainstream subject of International Relations. International Relations as a new study of understanding “nation-state” in early 1919 has been suffered from both Eurocentric and America-centric approaches as well as concept of which reflects to the blindness of finding the gap between the mainstream and applicable concept to understand International Relations in Southeast Asia post-colonial states including as Indonesia. On the other hand, Area studies remains silent to bring back the post-colonial discourses to contest and build critical argument against asymmetric relations among states as well as the inequality of global order in the study of International Studies. In this direction, a transdisciplinary approach is required to address such complex engagements as well as diachronic transition process in order to propose alternative choice of policy in which entitled to the idea of “local ownership“ for the sustainability sciences or policies. Therefore, the core aim of this panel invites further interest and direction of applying a new perspective and approach of understanding International Relations of which more focus on an analytical method of identifying and locating the act of transnationality as a relation other than the mainstream of interstate relations.

Prabawaningtyas (2015), for example, identifies the construction of a hybrid space when Indonesian fishers contested the existing of state’s border at seas while Indonesia and Australian agreed of recognizing the practice of Indonesian traditional fishing right in Ashmore Reef and a surrounding water of Australian territorial water in 1974. The construction of transborder identity is located under, at least four circumstances, namely 1) the contestation between past and present of cross border practices, 2) the continuous practice of tradition in present relevant, 3) the share of geographical space a cross border, and 4) human mobility (Prabawaningtyas 2015: 161-163).

By taking account the concept of transnationality (Ishikawa 2010), everyday sovereignty (Carvalho, Schia, and Guillaume 2019) and global order (Keohane 1984, Waltz 1993), this panel identifies case studies in post-colonial states including Indonesia on how the concept transborder identity juxtaposed and intertwined in certain thematic practices along period of time to locate the gap of identity’s construction and the locality of the practices of International Relations.

The objective of this panel will further examine the construction of transborder identity by locating the gap of identity’s construction and the locality of this practice that can be manifested on certain thematic global issues such as information, supply chain of global markets, carbon market of renewable energy, and migrant workers. The current both policies debate and academic discourse in International Relations on the post-pandemic Covid1-19 reveals the vulnerability of the “Westphalian’s” concept of nation-state and liberal order against “critical security”. Questions of who’s representing the state? How a nation-state is constructed? Whose security is justified to be a national security? What is national interest? How national interest is constructed and further pursued? How local’s practice is constructed against global discourse? Those are some root’s question that would be addressed through those thematic field.

This panel aims to invite prospective contributors discussing both case studies and theoretical approach on the construction of post-colonial states in order to identify and locate these contested and hybrid space. We are looking forward for the opportunity to arrange a double panel discussion for this discussion.