SEA languages as diaspora languages in Europe


Double Panel

Part 1

Session 3
Tue 14:30-16:00 REC A2.07

Part 2

Session 4
Tue 16:30-18:00 REC A2.07


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The study of the languages of the South-East Asian diaspora has developed in the last 20 years involving communities in Australia, (McLeod, Verdon & Wang 2021, Lising 2022, Utomo 2015), in the United States (Young & Myluong, 1999 and Teachout, 2005) and Canada (Umbal & Nagy 2021, Nagy 2021, Le & Trofimovich, 2023), but has been almost ignored in European countries with big diaspora communities such as France and Italy. Actually, according to a recent study on heritage speakers in Italy (Biazzi 2018), migrants from SEA are the most multilingual of all. However, this multilingualism is maintained only by first generation speakers, and not all languages in their rich repertoires are transmitted to the children. A similar finding has been observed in the Netherlands, where research by Florey and van Engelenhoven (2001) among migrants form the Moluccas (Indonesia) has uncovered remaining speakers of approximately twenty-five languages indigenous to the Moluccas, some of which are highly endangered. This panel examines heritage language maintenance practices, multilingual choices, and family language policy among SEA diaspora communities in Europe, a topic sporadically explored so far, except for few studies on the East Timorese in Portugal (Goglia & Alfonso 2012), or the Thai in the German periphery (Serwe 2015), the Moluccans in the Netherlands (Moro 2016), and the Vietnamese in Manchester (Anh 2022). The aim is to understand the linguistic behaviour and the linguistic choices that first and second-generation speakers of SEA languages such as the Filipino in Italy or the Vietnamese in France make in their new home in the diaspora. We welcome papers that deal with any subfield of linguistics and different approaches or frameworks on SEA languages as heritage languages in Europe, such as language use, language contact, translanguaging or code-switching, family language policy, language maintenance or loss, language planning, and linguistic identity.