Rethinking Environmental Governance in Southeast Asia


Double Panel

Part 1

Session 3
Tue 14:30-16:00 REC A1.02

Part 2

Session 4
Tue 16:30-18:00 REC A1.02


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Environmental governance lies at the core of contemporary power struggles over access to resources and how this access (or the lack thereof) shapes people’s livelihood options and strategies. Placing environmental governance at the intersection of land-water-energy-climate governance, the panel will discuss the close interlinkages between context, perspectives, and power dynamics in everyday livelihood (re)making and environmental and climate justice. Linking socio-economic drivers with the (re)shaping of religion, cultural norms, and institutional arrangements, it brings to light the pluralistic views, diverse forces, and multiple realities (re)shaping formal and informal decision-making structures, processes, and geometries of power in environmental governance. Putting knowledge co-creation and processes of institutional emergence at the centre of analysis, it links different scales and levels of environmental governance, revealing how actors and institutions are integral to livelihood (re)making, especially for poor and marginal households. Focusing on environmental governance for whom, by whom, and for what, we look at new trends in environmental governance including indigenous and social justice movements, how they evolve over time and the lessons learned as humanity navigates the Anthropocene.