Post-colonial in Southeast Asia: Cultural Studies to Sustainable Development


Single Panel


Session 12
Thu 16:00-17:30 REC A2.12


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The proposed panel on “Postcolonial Aspects in Southeast Asia” effectively uses postcolonialism as a connecting and comparative framework for diverse topics like identity, ecology, and sustainability. Here’s how the presented themes and potential additional papers can be viewed through this lens:

  1. Discourse of Postcolonialism:

Comparison: Papers on “ethnic dynamics” in different Southeast Asian nations can be compared across various colonial experiences (British, French, Dutch, etc.). Examining how different colonial policies shaped ethnic identities and the persistence of those legacies in contemporary struggles for sovereignty, land rights, or cultural recognition.

Intersection: Invite papers that analyze how postcolonial discourses interact with other axes of oppression, such as gender, class, and religion. Examining how these factors further complicate identity formations and power dynamics within postcolonial societies.

  1. Ecology and Postcolonialism:

Environmental impact: Papers on Joseph Conrad and Kalimantan can be connected to broader analyses of how colonial resource extraction and development projects continue to impact Indigenous communities and ecosystems in Southeast Asia.
Contemporary perspectives: Invite papers that explore how younger generations (Vietnamese, Vietnamese American, etc.) engage with environmental issues through art, activism, or traditional knowledge systems, drawing upon their postcolonial heritage.

  1. Sustainable Development in the Postcolonial Context:

Colonial legacies and waste management: Analyze how colonial infrastructure and administrative systems contribute to current waste management challenges in Southeast Asia. Compare waste management strategies across different postcolonial contexts, considering the influence of colonial powers and ongoing neocolonial dynamics.
Alternative models: Invite papers that explore sustainable development models rooted in Indigenous knowledge, traditional practices, and community-based initiatives, offering alternatives to Western-imposed models often embedded in neocolonial structures