Indigeneity and Ghosts in Indonesia’s New Capital


Film Screening


Session 8
Wed 16:00-17:30 REC A1.02


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In this panel we will screen two recent movies on the development of Indonesia’s new capital. First we will watch ‘Ghost tales around Indonesia’s New capital’ by Yuefei You (University of Amsterdam) a movie which she recently successfully submitted to obtain her degree in visual anthropology. This will be followed by a screening of ‘Nyera Ritual: The Blessing And Hopes in the New Capital’, a short film by Mei Christy Sengoq, a Dayak activist from East Kalimantan. The screenings will be followed by a discussion with the two film makers.

Ghost tales around Indonesia’s New capital
The intertwining of spirit belief and modern politics presents a magical and compelling landscape. Ghost tales in Indonesia are more than mere folklore, they are embedded in the socio-political fabric of society and gain additional layers of significance when in the background of the development of Indonesia’s new capital, Ibu Kota Nusantara(IKN).

Nyera Ritual: The Blessing And Hopes in the New Capital
In May 2024 the authorities in charge of the construction process of the new capital asked an indigenous Dayak community to hold a ritual, Nyera, to bless the project.