BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//EuroSEAS 2024//EN X-WR-CALNAME:EuroSEAS 2024 BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Amsterdam X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Amsterdam BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 DTSTART:19700329T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:19701025T030000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250222T222600 UID:euroseas-2024-climate-induced-conflicts-and-vulnerabilities-in-southeast-asia-community-based-adaptation-imagination-and-interventions-in-spac-1 SUMMARY:Climate-induced conflicts and vulnerabilities in Southeast Asia: Community-based adaptation, imagination, and interventions in space, to address socio-environmental challenges (1) LOCATION:REC A1.02 DESCRIPTION:The failure of the climate change mitigation approach to keep g lobal warming under certain limits has predicted irreversible changes to th e earth, and people in the global South will be affected more than people i n the global North. Southeast Asia consists of mainly developing countries whose struggles towards Sustainable Development Goals are the development o f innovative social and policy goals rather than a mere reduction of the ne gative impact of economic growth.\n\nAt the same time, uneven development h as caused rural-to-urban migration, and under the ‘growth’ paradigm, rural areas were despised for their low productivity. While rural development put s a tremendous effort into implementing climate change adaptation strategie s, urban development places less emphasis on mitigation strategies. Albeit, rapid and dynamic urban expansion is taking place in the southern regions of the world with mega-cities of Southeast Asia hosting major proportions o f the world’s urban population. The intricate landscape of urban space in t hese cities houses complex and multifaceted phenomena of informalities, cli mate-induced conflicts and vulnerabilities that affect millions. In the con text of climate change, tensions, migration, demographic shifts, financial and technological transformations, pose unprecedented challenges and opport unities for people living in urban informality. With limited resources, ove r the years, residents survive using indigenous and informal ways of shapin g public space, paving paths in community-based adaptation.\n\nThe focus on parsimonious practices of spatial adaptation and transformation does not a im to justify poverty as a reference for human life. Instead, it highlights the importance of versatile, resourceful self-organized spaces, without su ggesting that its simplicity equates to accepting or condoning impoverished informal living standards. Nevertheless, global asymmetric distribution an d expenditure of resources renders possible the reflection on efficient int erventions that resort to low-tech, low cost, local-based solutions in harm ony with nature cycles.\n\nIn hand with these local adaptation and transfor mation initiatives, to achieve development visions without harming future g enerations’ well-being and leaving no one behind, advanced social and environmental policy alternatives must be established, introduced publicly , and integrated within the policy process, especially to balance the domin ant growth paradigm.\n\nThis panel aims to be a critical platform for exper ts, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to come together to discus s and learn on the pressing socio-environmental issues associated with clim ate-induced conflicts and vulnerabilities, the significance of public space retrofits, as well as community-based practices and policy-making and impl ementation towards building the resilience of those most socially vulnerabl e. It also aims to foster a collaborative environment among these actors, s howcasing successful case-studies and initiatives related to climate-induce d conflict resolution and vulnerability reduction. It is expected that the end-result will help show-case the effectiveness of local community-based a ctionable strategies and innovative social and environmental policies to en hance climate resilience in both rural and urban Southeast Asia. URL: DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240723T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240723T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250222T222600 UID:euroseas-2024-climate-induced-conflicts-and-vulnerabilities-in-southeast-asia-community-based-adaptation-imagination-and-interventions-in-spac-2 SUMMARY:Climate-induced conflicts and vulnerabilities in Southeast Asia: Community-based adaptation, imagination, and interventions in space, to address socio-environmental challenges (2) LOCATION:REC A1.02 DESCRIPTION:The failure of the climate change mitigation approach to keep g lobal warming under certain limits has predicted irreversible changes to th e earth, and people in the global South will be affected more than people i n the global North. Southeast Asia consists of mainly developing countries whose struggles towards Sustainable Development Goals are the development o f innovative social and policy goals rather than a mere reduction of the ne gative impact of economic growth.\n\nAt the same time, uneven development h as caused rural-to-urban migration, and under the ‘growth’ paradigm, rural areas were despised for their low productivity. While rural development put s a tremendous effort into implementing climate change adaptation strategie s, urban development places less emphasis on mitigation strategies. Albeit, rapid and dynamic urban expansion is taking place in the southern regions of the world with mega-cities of Southeast Asia hosting major proportions o f the world’s urban population. The intricate landscape of urban space in t hese cities houses complex and multifaceted phenomena of informalities, cli mate-induced conflicts and vulnerabilities that affect millions. In the con text of climate change, tensions, migration, demographic shifts, financial and technological transformations, pose unprecedented challenges and opport unities for people living in urban informality. With limited resources, ove r the years, residents survive using indigenous and informal ways of shapin g public space, paving paths in community-based adaptation.\n\nThe focus on parsimonious practices of spatial adaptation and transformation does not a im to justify poverty as a reference for human life. Instead, it highlights the importance of versatile, resourceful self-organized spaces, without su ggesting that its simplicity equates to accepting or condoning impoverished informal living standards. Nevertheless, global asymmetric distribution an d expenditure of resources renders possible the reflection on efficient int erventions that resort to low-tech, low cost, local-based solutions in harm ony with nature cycles.\n\nIn hand with these local adaptation and transfor mation initiatives, to achieve development visions without harming future g enerations’ well-being and leaving no one behind, advanced social and environmental policy alternatives must be established, introduced publicly , and integrated within the policy process, especially to balance the domin ant growth paradigm.\n\nThis panel aims to be a critical platform for exper ts, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to come together to discus s and learn on the pressing socio-environmental issues associated with clim ate-induced conflicts and vulnerabilities, the significance of public space retrofits, as well as community-based practices and policy-making and impl ementation towards building the resilience of those most socially vulnerabl e. It also aims to foster a collaborative environment among these actors, s howcasing successful case-studies and initiatives related to climate-induce d conflict resolution and vulnerability reduction. It is expected that the end-result will help show-case the effectiveness of local community-based a ctionable strategies and innovative social and environmental policies to en hance climate resilience in both rural and urban Southeast Asia. URL: DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240723T113000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240723T130000 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR